Category Archives: Origins of Mayhem

Diary of a Madman

As I sit here starring at an imposing blank screen I am wondering what I should write about. Should I write about what this blog will be about? Should I write about my life? Both?

As I am writing these words I am realizing that this is like a therapy session. But before I get into deep let me give a little background about me.

For the past 10 years I have been working in the marketing/advertising field. Funny thing is that I never went to college to be in this field. I went to school and graduated with a PR degree. I can B.S. with the best of them:). My marketing specialty is in the retail sector. I would list the clients I have worked for but I am going to respect their privacy. I have worked with some really interesting people over the years and I have made a ton of great friends. The best part of my job is that I get to try new things every day.

Now as for my personal life I am married and have twin girls that run me ragged. I am a huge DC sports fan. You will probably see a ton of posts about my beloved Redskins and Capitals. You won’t see many posts if any about the Orioles or Wizards. I am a fare-weather fan when it comes to those teams. I love music, especially hard rock/metal. On occasion I will listen to other things but dealing in my line of work metal let’s me get my aggression out.

You may be wondering where I live. Well let’s just say it’s in the heart of NASCAR country. NO! I am not a NASCAR fan. Since I was born and raised in the DC area and I drove around the beltway so many times that I feel like a driver. Sorry, didn’t mean to get off topic.

So anyway feel free to tag along with me as I try and navigate work and personal life. Like I said before this feels like a way for me to share with the world what it’s truely like to be a “Mad Man”.

P.S. Not trying to cash in on the “Man Men” show. Just thought it was a cute way to start my blog.



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